Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Here in Florida the late winter and early spring weather changes by the day and sometimes by the hour or minute. Sunday we went to my cousin's and I took these photos under overcast, gloomy skies.

A few days ago we had a killing frost and some of the plants suffered from it but I am reasonably sure they will all come back in the spring.

After the cloudy skies for the last couple of days the beautiful cloud filled skies were welcome when I trekked over to the fresh market and the grocery store. I always park as far away as possible in order to get a few more steps into my day's walking.

After returning from my shopping and while the sun was shining so beautifully I took a walk around my garden to see what was happening. Lots of new growth promises an abundance of flowers and butterflies this summer..I got  a fleeting  glance of a black and white striped butterfly but not quick enough with the camera

And of course there is the ever present designs and textures by mother nature...sometimes with a bit of help from us.

And of course there are the pesky 'tent caterpillar' we are constantly on the look out for...This is the second one we have found so far this year.They seem to pop up overnight

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